AABE is a not-for-profit educational organization dedicated to the advancement of biology education and the dissemination of information relating to biology education.
About Us
The Asian Association for Biology Education (AABE) is a not-for-profit educational organization dedicated to the advancement of biology education and the dissemination of information relating to biology education. AABE’s principal office address is: Philippine Science High School System, Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1104. The first AABE conference was organized in 1966 at Manila, Philippines and thereafter, its conference has been held biennially. AABE’s lead journal, The Asian Journal of Biology Education (Asian J. Biol. Educ.) is published electronically with ISSN 1447-0209.
The journal may be accessed at www.aabe.sakura.ne.jp and in this website (www.aabe-asia.org)
The journal and the conference proceedings are indexed and archived by UNESCO.